Your opponent will be JunkMan.
Time to go check out this "junk data" in the YumLand Area. Head back to
Lan's hotel room and jack into the Hotel HP. From Netopia Area, just
head straight to YumLand Area. |
In YumLand Area
just keep walking until you encounter a Navi standing buy a gate. Talk
to it to receive a TrashKey and use it to open the
gate. As soon as you enter, junk will continually fall on MegaMan until
he runs to the end. After MegaMan's little accident, keep pressing 'L'. |
Your objective here is to
actually guess wrong. For the first and second question, don't answer 35
and Hamburgers. If you answer question 1
incorrectly, JunkMan shows himself. If not, question 3 gives you three
wrong answers, so you have no choice but to get it wrong. |
After all of JunkMan's whining,
jack him into the Hotel HP. JunkMan (while in MegaMan's body), always
starts the battle off confused. It does wear off, so if you have
trouble controlling it, just try to keep dodging attacks until it's
gone. Head back to the gate and where MegaMan got crushed by the junk
data. |
When you examine the junk data,
JunkMan will clear it, but viruses pop out. The first one is against a
BarkEX and a GloomerEX virus. The second one is against a BarkEX and a
WallndEX. The third is against a MagTec+EX and a BarkEX. The fourth is
against a Shrmpy2EX and a BarkEX. Finally, the fifth junk data is the
one that crushed MegaMan, so examine it for a battle against a
HellodyEX and a BarkEX. Upon completing that task, MegaMan will want
his body back. |
After MegaMan gets his body back.
Go to the airport and head to YumLand. In YumLand, just head to the
next room. In YumRuins, talk to the old man at the top, in front of the
Buddha (doesn't really look like Buddha) statue. After talking to him,
head back to the previous room and head to the right side of the
screen. Go up the stairs and talk to the woman at the top. She'll let
you pass this time around. |
Within the BuddhaComp, there's a
BMD on the right containing 2000 Zennys. Then talk
to the Program in the center and receive the KindData.
After that, jack out, and walk all the way back to the tour bus.
Examine it and head back to Netopia and then to the colisseum. |
JunkMan doesn't have an operator,
so he's there all by his lonesome self. This may be the first time
you're up against JunkMan. He constantly shoots out junk, but since
he's pretty slow moving, you can take him out with a few nicely placed
chips. |
If this was your first battle
against JunkMan, MegaMan will obtain the JunkSoul.
It's a very nifty soul indeed, kind of nice looking too. |
Bah, no trophy for Lan. |