The Backstory

Sadly, little of this applies to the Gameboy version. I hope to find a Gameboy version instruction manual and see if there is any relevant story information there.

The  tale leading up to the events in Heroes of Might and Magic has a large emphasis on Lord Morglin Ironfist. There are three other leaders vying for the land that would eventually be known as Enroth, however, little is known about them. One has the name of a recurring Villain (really, just an identity stolen by a different Villain), Lord Alamar. This appearance is co-incidental most likely, but Enroth seems to be an alternate reality to the other Might and Magic worlds. Figures and characters that have been either in your party in old Might and Magic games, or opposed to your party, dot the land. Lord Ironfist is one of them too. Lord Ironfist is a character in Might and Magic 1. One of his quests is also to find Lord Kilburn, another character whom is in this game as well. His starting town in the campaign is also New Sorpigal. Sorpigal is one of the main and central cities in the original Might and Magic. The region known as Varnal Hills implied the world of VARN, which is the world of Might and Magic 1. It is possible that the Lord Ironfist and Lord Kilburn characters are the same as those mentioned earlier, or that these current versions are merely descendants of the originals. Needless to say, the story begins with Lord Ironfist, on the run for matters soon to be appearant. Update: Cepheus/Dubiel confirmed to me that this Ironfist is indeed not the one from MM1 (that would be Ragnar) and the Lord Killburn in MM1 is the Son or Nephew of the Homm1 Killburn.

I now present to you:

Letters from Lord Ironfist

23rd Day of the Month of the Raven
Common Year 632

To my great and munificent  lord, King Ragnar,  from his
loyal cousin Lord IronFist - Greetings.

It has been thirty days since I crossed through the mys-
terious  gate which  opened  in  the Varnal Hills  and  thus
found myself  in  this  strange  and  uncharted  land.  I wish
my  dear  lord  and  cousin,  through  this missive,  to  dispel
the ugly rumors about me, which I fear you might believe.

I was deeply shocked, dear cousin, by the attempt of the
wizard Guthbert to slay you. I heard that upon the rack
of  pain,  shortly  after  you  had  his  arms  torn  from  their
sockets, that he  cried out my name as the one who had
paid him. Dear cousin, it has injured me grievously to hear
that  you  believed  him. You  know my  loyalty  to  you  is
undying. Even though you took the hand of fair Ewine to
be your queen, though I loved her dearly, still it is wrong
to think  I would wish harm upon you. That wretch
Guthbert must  have  forged my  signature  to  the  letter
you  found  in his  chambers. As  for  the  satchel of gold
bearing my mark,  I know not how  it came to be  in
Guthbert’s  possession.  I  believe  some  dark  enemy must
have  planted  it  to  cast  blame  upon me  for  such  a  das-
tardly crime.

Please trust me on this.

I was sorely grieved to hear that your barons had set out
to arrest me. I am deeply hurt to hear it being said that I
fled like a coward up into the Varnal Hills to escape your
justice.  I was merely going on a hunting expedition, dear
cousin  -  an  innocent  trip  to  escape  the heat of  summer
accompanied by  a  few  trusted  servants. The  fact  that  I
took my  family  jewels with me was  simply to keep them
safe,  for  there  is  always  the problem of  thievery on  the
part of servants while the master is away.

How I came  into this strange  land  is still somewhat of a
mystery  to me. While wandering  in  the Hills,  I,  and my
few  retainers,  stumbled  into  a  narrow  pass  on  the  bor-
ders of your realm. As we walked into the pass, a strange
glowing light engulfed us for a moment. We turned to go
back  from whence we  came,  but  an  invisible  barrier was
now in place. Try as we might, we could not penetrate it.

So we continued on, passing out of the Hills down into a
strange uncharted  land. All  seemed different  in this new
place. The sun is not like the red of our lands, but rather
has a strange yellow hue. It seems that objects do not fall
quite as fast when dropped and the air holds more mois-
ture to it.

We wandered for many days and found no trace of pillars
marking  boundaries,  no  rulers,  or  any  hint  of  kings  and
laws. All was wilderness, untamed, and untouched by the
hands of thinking beings.

Of  course, my  dear  cousin,  I  immediately  realized  that
here was  an  opportunity  to  extend  your  realm  and win
for  you  greater  honors  and  treasure. Thus  did  I  erect
boundary markers and raised up your banner to lay claim
to, in your name, all the lands as far as my eyes could see.
Please accept this as a sign of my fealty and family loyal-
ty and  ignore any disparaging rumors about earlier

My dear cousin and liege lord, after wandering for many
days  I bethought  it appropriate to try and return
through the gate and inform you of my great discoveries
in your name. I wished to bring word of my discoveries to
you personally,  before  other  barons  tried  to  do  so  first.
But my  lord,  the mysterious  gate was  still  closed  and  I
could not pass through  it. Thus did  I erect a pillar next
to  it,  and  shall  place  there  this  letter  and  those  that  I
will write afterwards, to  show my  service to you  in
extending  your  realms.  I  shall  keep  you  informed  of my
progress in service to you and your undying glory.

Please  extend  as well my most  humble  respects  to  the
fair, gentle and lovely Queen Ewine. Tell her that out of
my  loyalty to you  I think of her each morning and night
and wish her happiness at your side. Loyally, Ironfist

4th Day of the Month of the Dragonfly
Common Year 632

My dear lord, King Ragnar,

It has been more than a month since my last missive was
sent up to where the mysterious gate was located. There,
56my most trusted  servant waits  in hope that the barrier
preventing  our  return  dissipates  and  he may  deliver my
pronouncements of  fidelity and news of your growing
estates here personally.  I have moved my headquarters a
dozen  leagues down out of the hills and  into a  fair valley
filled with game, great trees and swift running streams.

It is a curious place and at first I thought the lands were
devoid  of  all  those who walk  upright  and  can  speak.  For
days I pondered what next to do. I wondered if all around
me was thus. And then on the seventh day after arriving
in the valley, a wandering peasant came through the
woods and  I thought, here at  last  is your  first new min-

I tried to put him to work chopping down trees so that
he might  plant  grain  to make my  bread  for me,  but  he
was recalcitrant, as are most peasants. Finally I deemed it
necessary to lower myself to speak to him at length. We
had  here  a  great  problem. My  retainers,  being men  of
arms, of  course  could not be  asked  to work  and our one
peasant  refused  to  labor. Though  tempted  to  kill  him  I
realized we would starve next winter, if there is a winter
here, if we did not reason with him.

I asked him where were the people and creatures I needed
to  serve me. He bargained  long and hard  for the  secret,
something I found distasteful. Finally I agreed to pay him
if he would tell me the secrets of this place and reveal a
way to bring in those who would serve me. He then gave
me this cryptic answer:

If you build it, they will come.

I was angry at such a stupid saying and prepared to slay
him and then he explained.

The following day I set the peasant and my men to build-
ing huts. It took some reasoning with my men to convince
them  that  this was  not  peasant  labor,  but  rather was
the simple building of shelters in the same way that they
would prepare  an  encampment. Even with  this  logical
explanation, many were reluctant to work beneath their
station.  I was forced at  last to bribe them with some of
my  jewels to  convince them of the dignity of what they
had to do.

Lo and behold, on the morning after the huts were com-
pleted  I  awoke  to  find  a  deputation  of  peasants  outside
my  tent, begging me  for  the  right  to occupy  the homes
that had been created.

I thought long and hard upon this before lowering myself
to speak to them. I explained to them that by living upon
the  land  I had claimed and  living  in the huts  I had made
for them, that they owed me the obligation of their liege
lord. They were to cultivate the ground, offer a tithe to
me  and  that  the men were  to  serve  in  time  of war.  In
exchange I would offer them the protection of my sword.
They willingly accepted. Marks were made upon a piece
of parchment  and  the  agreement was  struck. The peas-
ants moved in that same day and began to work.

This set my mind to thinking and I asked the crafty peas-
ant for more advice.

Heeding him, the next day I set my men to building huts
of straw and huts of sticks. This cost me more money in
payments, but that was offset  in a small amount when  I
demanded  of  the  peasants  and  received  rent  payments,
even  if  it was but a  few coppers. The huts of straw and
sticks were finally completed and to my utter amazement
58goblins and orcs appeared  from out of the woods, willing
to  serve me  in  exchange  for  the  places  of  dwelling. We
struck the same agreement as I had made with the peas-

Frankly my lord cousin, these seem to be foolish creatures
who are in need of a leader and hero to provide them with
places to live. They seem not self-reliant at all but expect
some form of liege to provide everything for them. I heard
them exclaim that such a thing was their right and their
ruler should provide to them all things. I gladly gave it to
them and easily convinced them that I am their all-know-
ing leader. Now they are mine to use as I see fit, for they
are fearful of losing what I have given them.

Thus I have started the building of a town, which we are
considering naming after you. My only fear is that it will
not  become  great  enough  to  be worthy  of  the name. To
ensure you would not lose faith we have chosen our family
name,  so  that  should  the  town  fail  all will  think  it was
named  for  your  humble  servant.  It  cost much  to  begin,
but  even now a  small but  steady amount of money  is
starting to trickle back,  for these  creatures do have
pieces  of  copper  in  their  pockets,  though  I wonder who
out there is minting the coins.

I will  keep  building  all  sorts  of  structures  and  I will  see
what else will come.

Please  extend to Lady Ewine my warmest thoughts and
tell her I have many fond memories of times I spent with
her. She’ll know what I mean.

18th Day of the Month of the Unicorn
Common Year 633

Dear Cousin Ragnar,

It has been nearly a year since my last missive to you, but
I  have  been  preoccupied with many  things.  I  should  add
that my messenger  reports  that  the gate  is  still  barred
shut and no one may pass it. After some months he felt it
necessary to  cease his vigil. He told me as well that the
last two  letters  I  left  for you atop the boundary pillar  I
erected have not been taken, but I shall continue to write
you nevertheless.

Through my leadership and strength much has changed in
59this valley which I now control and have named the Valley
of Ragnar  in your honor. Where once  forest  stood, now
there is a thriving town. I continued to build things, using
all my wealth, but I know my lord that you will be pleased
with what  I have done to honor you, and that when the
time comes you will pay me back the difference in what I
have  spent  here  so  far. A  full  accounting  of  the  cost  is
enclosed. All income has gone to maintenance.

As to the management of my barony, I felt it important
to build the population of the realm first. Therefore, I set
out to construct many different dwellings to bring under
my  banner  a  great host. With  the  building  of  a  brick
house mighty  ogres  came  to  live  in  the  valley. When  I
commanded that a bridge be placed over the River
Morglin,  I  returned  there  the  next  day  to  find  a  troll
having  taken  up  residence  beneath  it. As  each  of  these
creatures  came  I presented  them with parchments  to
sign, recognizing me as their liege, which they gladly did.

Wolves are always worthy allies and they can  scent
trouble  from  afar,  therefore  I  commanded  that  dens  be
made. The  following day massive,  intelligent beasts came
out of the woods and offered onto me their service.

Next  I  sought men  of  skill. The  peasants  had  spoken  of
wizards and such many times. With the digging of a well,
to provide  cooling  spring water  for  the  tempering of
steel, a blacksmith and then a rank of pikemen came into
my  service. A  field was  then  cleared  and  the  grass  cut
short. Target butts were set up and archers appeared to
offer  their  services. A  tavern  near  the  bridge was  built
and from within its rooms swordsmen drink their fill and
have  fun  bloodying  each  other  as  they  argue  about  dice
and mates.

There  are more  plans  afoot  here  as well, my  lord. Even
now  I  am building  a most  curious  structure,  tiny houses
set up  in the trees to rally the  fairy  sprites to my  side.
Cottages near the side of the mountains are being hewn
of stone so that dwarves will serve me, while in the woods
I have been advised to  set up targets  so that elven
archers may come to try their sport.

Once the elves and dwarves serve me, I am told that they
will  help  to make  such  things  as  great  stone  circles  for
the pleasure  of  druids,  fenced meadows  for  unicorns  and
fearful red towers for the mighty phoenix.

Already I have created a dwelling place for users of magic
and one is now in my service. He is expensive though, my
lord,  for  to master his  spells  is  a  costly process. My
funds have run short and I have made the decision to  let
the  arcane  arts  of magic wait. For  the price  of  but  one
spell I can marshal a host of peasants. I remember as well
the fool Guthbert, your court magician. He wasn’t worth
very much if memory serves me well.

Speaking of money  I should point out to you the tens of
thousands in gold that I have spent so far in this venture,
which was started solely to glorify your name. My pock-
ets  are  not  bottomless,  cousin,  and  though my  servants
now  bring  in  some  small  income,  still  it  is  not  enough.
Therefore,  if you  read  this  letter,  I would  ask of you  to
send more money  to me,  for  after  all  this has  become
quite  an  expensive proposition. Your  flag  does  not  fly
over this realm, cousin, without incurring some obligation
in return.

Oh  yes,  I  should  add  that  I did  erect  a modest dwelling
place  for myself, which  I  call Morglin’s Keep.  I have
tastefully  appointed  it  as  befitting  the  honor  of  one  of
your servants.

Once the spring planting has been finished I plan to take
part  of my  new  host  and  go  adventuring,  for  I  am  told
that this land is vast and that if one looks carefully there
are riches to be found and glory to be won. Of course, my
lord, whatever I find shall be for the glory of your name.

Do send my best to Lady Ewine.

29th Day of the Month of the Aardvark
Common Year 635


It has been more than two years since I sent my last mis-
sive up  into the hills to be placed near the gate where  I
first  came  through  into  this world.  I  am  informed  that
my previous letters are gone but that no reply was wait-
ing. I am not sure  if you or a servant of yours found the
gate and came through, or  if thieves violated the bound-
ary pillar placed there.

I  embarked  on my  expedition  to  explore  new  lands  and
have endured two long and hard years of campaigning. At
62first all was uneventful, though by careful looking I found
occasional deposits of rare metals, burial mounds contain-
ing  treasures,  and  other  such  things.  I  also met  strange
and  terrible  creatures. Near  an  ancient  graveyard  I  did
battle with ghosts. I met wandering beasts with fearsome
skills and bested them in single combat to the glory of my

After wandering  for many weeks  I  came  at  last upon
another town. As I approached  it the  inhabitants barred
the  gates. They  then  climbed  upon  the  battlements  and
made rude gestures. They made  strange noises while
sticking out their tongues and said many coarse and vul-
gar things about your lineage. Of course I attacked them
at  once. At  first  I was  thrown  back,  losing many  of my
peasants  and  some  swordsmen. Then  I  laid  siege  to  the
place, having my men construct engines of war. The cata-
pults  I  constructed  finally  cast down  the walls  of  the
town. I was tempted, since my honor had been insulted, to
burn  the  filthy  place  to  the  ground  and  slay  all within.
Before I could give such an order my advisor, formerly the
old peasant and now an honored chamberlain, pointed out
that I could turn the town to my use and wealth.

It was there that I discovered much about this land. The
town  I had  thus  taken was  a  barbarian  town  and was
filled with creatures unique to  such a place. There  I
brought  into my  service more orcs, wolves, ogres  and
trolls, along with a powerful cyclops.  I  found out as well
that  there  are many  other  towns  scattered  about  the
lands. Some are towns of humans alone. Others are con-
trolled by a sorceress and magical creatures reside there.
A  few  towns, which  are  hard  to  find,  are  ruled  by war-
locks  and  have within  their walls  powerful  and  dreadful
creatures such as minotaurs, gargoyles and even dragons.
I  am not  yet prepared  to  deal with  such  and  shall  avoid
these boroughs.

I  found  out  as well  that  there  are  other  kings who  lay
claim to all the  lands and wage war. They have heroes of
great skills in their service and I am warned now that my
power is considerable, attention will be drawn onto me in
an attempt to block the growth of my  strength.  It
appears I have no choice but to act against others before
they cause me grievous harm.

I plan now to go forth and seek out these other kingdoms,
63to humble them, and place your standard upon their bat-
tlement walls.

Say hello to Ewine for me and ask her if she still has that
curious birthmark.

3rd Day of the Month of the Mongoose
Common Year 638


It has  been  three  years  since my  last note  and  I have
heard nothing  of  you.  I wonder  if  you  know  of my  exis-
tence in this realm and do not wish to reply. The bill for
my initial costs stands and I have a copy attached should
the first have not reached you.

I have  fought three  long and hard campaigns since  last  I
wrote. Marching out  from the  first town  I  captured,  I
wandered across  strange  lands of mountains, deserts,
swamps  and deep woods. There were many  creatures  to
contend with,  some  of  great  strength,  some willing  to
rally  to my  banner,  some wishing  to  tear  it  down. Of
those who stood in my way, their bones now lay bleached
in the sun.

After  long weeks  of wandering  I met  an  opposing  army
that had  come  to  smite me  and had  a  long  and  difficult
battle with  it,  losing more  than  half my  host.  Finally,  I
bested in single combat the hero leading the enemy army
and took him as my prisoner. Shortly afterwards  I
received a missive from the hero’s liege lord, offering ran-
som, which  I refused,  for the amount offered was  insult-
ing.  I  then  received  another  offer, which was  far more
munificent.  I  agreed  to  accept  the  ransom payment  and
thus refilled my empty coffers. The hero I released parted
from me  in good spirits, promising we would meet again,
to which I replied that I prayed it would be so for I would
undoubtedly need more money.

I came onto a town next to an open sea and took it after
difficult  battle. There  I  captured  another  hero  and  this
one pledged service to me. Now with this leader to serve
me I made a fateful decision. I split my army, sending half
of  it with him. Purchasing boats, my hero took his army
and led them great distances, exploring many strange and
wondrous lands. I received information from him and was
able to draw up maps of all that  I thought  I now owned,
and was well pleased. Unfortunately my hero met with an
evil magician who destroyed him and my army.

Then  came  dark  and  difficult  days. The  great  prince  of
another  realm  sent  a  powerful  army  against my  capital
city, which you will recall I named after you.
I regret to report that the small garrison I left there was
overwhelmed and the city taken.  This created great dif-
ficulties since one of my main sources of income was thus
denied me.  It  forced me to march back, bringing my
depleted  host with me  to  retake  the  town. This  I  suc-
ceeded  in, but then  I  lost the other towns  in my posses-
sion as well.

Ragnar, I am fighting a difficult battle here and you have
not helped  one  bit. Twenty  or  thirty  thousand  in  gold
would  be  a great help  right now  if  you wish me  to keep
this realm in your name.

By the way, do ask Ewine about the  interesting time we
once had and both fondly remember as “the night of mad-

11th Day of the Month of the Lizard
Common Year 641


I have  survived the  last three years, no thanks to you.  I
thought for a time that all was lost. I had but one town,
my  capital,  that  the  residents  insist  on  calling  Ironfist
Keep. Twice  I was besieged and twice I repelled the

Both  times  I  captured  the hero  leading  the  attacking
hosts. The  first  of  these heroes was  the  same  one  I had
captured before. Thinking that I could gain great wealth I
held  him  for  ransom.  I  received  a  paltry  offer  the  first
time and reasoned that I had but to hold out and his mas-
ter would offer a great sum. I never heard from that skin
flint  of  a  king  again.  I  asked  the  hero  to  then  serve me
but he refused. I was bound by the code of royal blood and
could not  execute him and thus had to  let him go.  I had
lost  a  hero  and  had  no  ransom money  to  show  for my

The second time I was wiser and upon capturing the hero
of  the  next  attacking  host  I  immediately made  an  offer
to him and he gladly accepted the right to serve me. He
has  become  a  powerful  ally.   While  still  protecting  the
source of my power I sent him out and he recaptured the
town  I once held to the  south.  I built my wealth up,
investing  in  yet more  structures  to  bring  various  crea-
tures  and  brave warriors  into my  service.  I had  found
that moving  forward aggressively at the start of things
might win great glory and honor, but also left one vulner-
able to attack from the rear.

The next time I was attacked I repulsed it easily, driving
my  enemies  before me  and  hearing  the  lamentations  of
their loved ones.

At great expense I built jousting arenas to attract great
and  powerful  knights  into my  service  and  then  at  even
greater expense  I erected a holy cathedral so that
mighty paladins would rally to my banner.

I  did  not  neglect  the  realms  of magic  either,  for  it was
due  to  a weakness  in  such  spells  and  powers  that  I  had
nearly been bested the first time I ventured out into the
broad and dangerous world. Though they are expensive to
develop, they are worth the investment.

The powers  of  those who wield magic  are many. They
have mastered  arts  here  that  your  useless  court magi-
cians can barely imagine. There are various spells of pro-
tection  and  attack. There  are  spells  that  can  burn  an
opponent  into cinders or turn them  into  ice. My magic
users  have  spells  that  can  enchant  and  spells  that  can
block  the  strikes  of  swords  and  spears, while  there  are
yet other  spells than can aid greatly  in the difficult art
of siege craft.

At great expense I commissioned my magic users to mas-
ter such subtle arcane arts as the ability to turn undead,
to provide protection  against  the magic  of  others,  to
cure, to bless my warriors so that their strength
increased, and to blind my opponents  so that they could
not see where to attack.

I think  I should add here that the pathetic wizard,
Guthbert, who caused me so much trouble  in your realm
with his  loose tongue and could not strike a mouse dead,
would have been burnt to a crisp by the rivals he would
face here.

I also developed my contacts with the thieves’ guilds and
thus  learned many  secrets  from  them  to help me  in  the
campaigns I now planned.

After thus consolidating my powers I set out on an expe-
dition that brought another hero  into my service.  I now
had  three  armies. One,  under  the  command  of  a  trust-
worthy hero, I left to protect my homeland. The other I
sent south to sweep back down to the sea, while  I
marched eastward across broad open plains.

My  hero  in  the  south  reached  the  coast where  I  had
first marched years before,  and  taking  a  town  there, he
greatly strengthened it. A lighthouse was constructed to
aid in the sailing of ships. I commanded him to move upon
the  flowing waters with  caution  for  there were many
dangerous creatures, brigands, and rival heroes upon the

He  guided  his  ships  up  the  coast,  taking  the  town  of  a
sorceress  and  thus  did my power wax greatly.  Islands
were next taken and their wealth added  into my coffers,
denying at the same time such wealth to rivals.

And  then  disaster  struck  yet  again. A  shower  of  great
stones, trailing fire, plummeted from the heavens, smiting
down  the  host  of my  hero.  It  seemed  as well  that  as  I
grew more powerful an alliance was  formed between the
rival  kings  to  turn  their  combined  strength  against me.
As a result all that I won in the south was lost.

I knew that if I stayed on the defensive the enemy would
march to my gates. Therefore, I set out to meet the new
threat. But this time  I did not make the foolish move of
stripping my  capital  and  the  towns  close  to  it  of  their
defenses. My  reasoning was  proper,  for  through  some
great and powerful magic an enemy army appeared,
materializing out of thin air, near my capital. They were
repulsed but at great loss of the city’s warriors, wizards,
and wealth.

I now  realize  as well  that  I had neglected  to  build  up
strength with the great and dark creatures  such as
Gargoyles, Minotaurs, Hydras  and  the  dreaded  king  of
68all,  the Dragons. Thus  I  set  out  to  bring  the  towns  of
warlocks under my control.

I  found that though a Paladin was  indeed a mighty war-
rior  he was,  as  they  say,  ‘burnt  toast’ when  confronting
an  army with  dragons.  I  shall work  hard  in  these  areas
and then all shall tremble before me.

I am curious to know, is Ewine’s breath as disgusting as I
now remember it to be?

21st Day of the Month of the Rat
Year One of the New Age

Ragnar the Usurper,

It has been five years since my last missive. I can imagine
how  things must  fare  you  there,  sitting  fat  and  blotted
like  a  corrupt  spider  upon  your  cheap web  of  a  throne,
which you wrongfully assumed and which you have wrong-
fully held.

My  strength  here  has  indeed  risen  like  a  phoenix  from
its  earlier  ruin. Many  and  great  battles  have  I  fought.
Citadels have  I cast down, cities have  I taken and raised
MY banner over. Heroes aplenty now flock to my cause.
I wonder what you have done of late, sitting safely behind
your castle walls. While bards shall sing of my name, your
memory will be nothing more  than  sayings  and drawings
about you and your  so-called queen  carved on  latrine

After long years of consolidating my strength in all areas,
raising levees of peasants and pikemen, mounting warriors
on  horse,  legions  of  ogres,  goblins  and  trolls, marshaling
the  strengths  of magic  users  and  placing  in  the  van  the
great creatures such as hydras and dragons, I set forth to
sweep all before me.

Three of the high kings of this  realm united against me.
They laid cunning traps for me and placed great
strengths  in  their  cities.   Many were  the  heroes  they
arrayed against me so that at one time I faced six differ-
ent armies closing in upon me from all points of the com-

It was  then  that  the  great  investment  I made  in magic
was rewarded. Twice I was able to teleport entire armies
clear across my empire, placing them behind the advanc-
ing  foes to crush them.  I was able to control an Oracle
and through her and by way of the thieves’ guilds  I
learned  the  secrets  and  intentions  of my  enemies. This
was no small thing, for  it enabled me to place my armies
to parry  their  thrusts,  and  throw my  armies  into  lands
where they were weak.

The cost of such campaigns was great. I spent in a month
what  but  a  short  time  ago  I would  have  believed  to  be
undreamed of wealth. But if one wishes all, they must risk

I cast down two of my great rivals and finally there was
but  the  great Lord Alamar  to  face my powers. Ragnar,
you  are  but  a  groveling  beggar  compared  to  such  as he.
Long we  struggled. He  launched  one  attack  that  swept
all the way into the heartland of my realm, forcing me to
teleport back to deal with the threat.

Finally  I was before his great and wondrous capital city.
My siege engines smashed down his high towers.

Dragons  struggled  in  the  air  overhead. Hydras wrestled
upon  the  ground. Great  legions  of  swordsmen,  archers,
dwarves, orcs, and peasant levees gave battle so that the
ground was covered with the slain. With my magic
welders about me  I gained the wall and there did  I  fight
with spells,  fire and sword against the great Lord
Alamar, and his wizards that has already become a myth
told by peasants around  camp  fires. He was  cunning,
mighty was his sword arm, great his magic, and brilliant
his strategies. But they availed him for naught, for in the
end  I  cast him  down  and my  only  disappointment was
that he was able to flee into distant realms.

So now, Ragnar the pig, I own all this land of Heroes. All
creatures within it acknowledge me as the rightful king. I
shall rule it with justice and wisdom. I shall guard its bor-
ders well for I have heard yet more rumors of wars in dis-
tant lands, and evil kings that plot their return to over-
throw me.

Let me add here that I view it as fortunate now that the
fool Guthbert failed so miserably  in his attempt on your
life.  If  the  plot  had  succeeded  I would  have  but  been  a
petty  lord,  in  a  petty  realm, which  is  all  that  you  now
have. Your  father murdered  his  brother, my  father,  to
take  the  throne  and  you  then  took  it  from  him.  I was
forced to  flee, with but a handful of retainers  into
unknown  lands,  and  here  in  the  realm  of Heroes  I  have
carved out an empire to which a few paltry counties pale
in comparison. To those who risk all, all may come as the
reward. This shall be the last of the letters I will post at
the gate. If you hear from me again it will be because the
gate has  opened  and  I  shall  come  through  it,  sword  in
hand, seeking justice.

Farewell Ragnar.

PS. If Ewine is still with you tell her
I have married and am quite content.
My companion has all the attribut-
es that she did not, trustworthiness,
intelligence, beauty and kindness.
Beyond  that,  she  bathes more  than
once a year and is not surrounded by
a cloud of flies, something I find to be
most  refreshing  after  having  known

It is therefor implied that this Lord Ironfist is the Cousin of the Lord Ironfist on Varn.

Lord Ironfist of VARN

May the best Faction Win