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Chris Chapter 3
The chapter opens here. As Chris and Nash enter, they encounter Fred and Rico, who you may remember from Chapter 1. Since they are also looking for the Flame Champion, they join your party. However, you still need a guide. Speak to the two ducks, Wilder and Rhett, by the left water wheel. They agree to guide you for 2,000 potch, and the Duck Chief's permission. He can be found standing near the Trading Post. With his permission, Wilder and Rhett will join your party as well. Now, head to Kuput Forest.
There are no plot events here, but you'll encounter some new, and possibly some stronger monsters. To get to Chisha Village, simply go right at every fork.
When you reach the grape fields of the village, you meet Yun and Yumi. A brief scene will follow, and Yun explains a bit about the future. Speak to Sana, the leader of Chisha Village, and the small town will suddenly be attacked by Franz and the Mantors. Yumi, who uses a crossbow, join you for this fight. Minor Boss Battle: Franz, Mantor Trainer, and two Mantors Yumi has an Earth Rune, and using Earthquake can end this fight relatively fast. Otherwise, take out Franz and the other trainer first, as they cause the most damage. Next, finish off Ruby and the other Mantor.
Once you win, Franz and the Mantors will retreat. When you regain control of Chris, try to leave the village, and you'll have a talk with Nash. Go back into the village and speak with Yun and Yumi. Yun will say that Harmonians are planning to attack the Chisha Village and you need more help, and that you can get it in Duck Village.
Kuput Forest has nothing new, but Duck Village does. Check near the Inn, and you will run into Caesar and Apple. After a brief discussion about the situation, Caesar comes with you to plan a strategy, while Apple goes to get help. Before leaving Duck Village, make sure that your group (Chris, Nash, Fred, Rico, Wilder, and Rhett) has upgraded their weapons, and make sure your armor is good. After this, head back to Chisha Village.
Pass through Kuput Forest again and enter Chisha Village. Caesar will start preparing for the battle. Re-arrange your unit lineup if you need to. Once you tell Caesar that you're ready, a strategetic battle begins.
All you need to do is stay alive for roughly three to five turns. You have three units, with two or three party members in each. In the beginning of the battle, Dios and Harmonian units appear at the entrance to the grape fields. You cannot let them reach the glowing area, or you lose. Move forward to engage them. Be very aggressive and try to force them to retreat to keep them away from the village. Send one of your units to heal whenever they need it. Bishop Sasarai of Harmonia will also arrive a few turns into the battle. His unit is extremely hard to defeat, so keep away from it. If you're starting to lose ground, retreat to the glowing area. Soon, a Hugo unit will appear, and the Harmonians will run away.
After the fight, Chris will be confronted by Hugo. If you already chose an option in his chapter 3, it will be reflected here. Yun asks you to come to her village, and Chris agrees. At this point, Wilder and Rhett leave for Duck Village, but Fred and Rico stay in your party. As you leave, Sgt. Joe will speak with you. Now, it's off to a new area.
At the first fork, ignore it, but at the second fork, go left this time. Travel along the newly opened path until you run into Yuiri. A conversation will follow, and then Yuber will appear, searching for the location of the hidden village, and he'll promptly battle you. Yuiri, who also uses a crossbow, joins you for the fight. Boss Battle: Yuber For once, it's possible to defeat Yuber, and even though you don't need to, it'll probably feel good to cause him some pain for a change. Keep your health up, as Yuber's attacks are still deadly, and use Yumi and Yuiri's strongest magic. Use Fred and Rico's combo, as well. Yuber, as always, is agile, and often dodges physical attacks. Chris' Phoenix Rune can prove effective here. If you have a Water Rune with you, Kindess Drops and Kindness Rain can be lifesavers.
After the fight with Yuber, Yuiri takes you into Alma Kinan, home of Yun, Yumi, and herself. Explore the village, train with the Bujitsu teacher, and buy some items if you need to. When you're done, head to where Yun, Yumi, and Yuiri live (the house on the right). You will learn a bit about the True Runes and the destructive forces trying to destroy them. Chris will then want some time to herself, so head to the small shrine in the back of the village. Nash will show up, and reveal a bit about his background. Then Yun will show up, and tell Chris about her father. Head back to Yun, Yumi, and Yuiri's home, and you will rest for the night.
Chris will be awakened in the middle of the night by something going on outside. Chris questions Yuiri, and she explains that the Alma Kinan women are preparing for a ritual, in which Yun is to sacrifice her life. Needless to say, Chris is shocked, and opposes it. Yun then appears, takes Chris to the shrine, and explains her reasons for the ritual, and she is doing it willingly. Then, Yumi, Yuiri, and several Alma Kinan women appear, saying that it is time for the ritual to begin. But, as Yun steps onto the shrine, an explosion rocks the ground, killing the Alma Kinan women. The Masked Bishop, Sarah, and Yuber appear now, and the Masked Bishop explains that he is going to stop the ritual to prevent the Rune Seal from disappearing. Chris, Nash, Fred, Rico, Yumi, and Yuiri, however, have something to say about this. Boss Battle: Masked Bishop, Sarah, and Yuber It's virtually impossible to win this fight. The Bishop and Sarah can probably wipe out your entire party with a few magic spells, and Yuber is more powerful than he was last time. Whether your party is defeated or the battle drags on long enough, the ritual will be completed before the Masked Bishop has a chance to stop it. With their goal taken from them, the Masked Bishop, Sarah, and Yuber teleport away.
Yun is dead now, but she still counts as a Star of Destiny. In the morning, Rico joins you first. Head to the small shrine in the back, and Nash will rejoin you. You are off to the Flame Champion Hideaway now, and the Alma Kinan villagers are there to see you off. Fred joins you at the gate. If you want, you can re-enter Alma Kinan and recruit Rody and Estella at the Inn (see the 108 stars page). Otherwise, head for your next destination. Note: Before going to the Flame Champion Hideaway, you can re-enter Chisha Village, speak to Sana, and put Watari and Ayame in your party if you have them.
The Flame Champion's Hideaway is a mazework of cavern tunnels. If this is your first time inside the Flame Champion Hideaway, there are plenty of treasure chests to be found; and some tough enemies, too. At the far end of the Flame Champion Hideaway, there is a tough mini boss called Nemesis, which gives you plenty of loot and some good items as well. If you want to proceed directly with the story, go left at the first fork, and go left again to the dead end. Chris steps onto the mysterious platform and is teleported deeper into the Flame Champion Hideaway, leaving her comrades behind.
Chris finds herself in a long hallway lit with torches and lined with massive pillars. There's nothing to be found; go through the two hallways to the great door at the end. Open the door to end Chris' chapter 3, and to see a familiar face as well... |