Comment Box
After the armies unite midway in chapter 4, you will be able to look into the Comment Box, which is a little stand on the second floor near the newspaper. Inside are various suggestions and weird remarks from the 108 Stars (except the four bonus chapter stars).
Do note that the comments you will receive depends on which main character you chose. Any response that directly names a character will listed as (FC). Finally, the comments that do change are usually not much different from the regular verison, so only I chose to include them only.
Ace |
It's Me: Hi! How are you doing? You're a hard worker to prepare such a thing. |
Restaurant: Can't we do something about that restaurant? The food is okay, but the amount they serve... |
I wrote to Jeane..: about my feelings toward her and by now it must have moved her to tears. |
About Queen: Queen wants to perform the part of Juliet. It can't be helped. I'll be Romeo. |
That restaurant: The cook at that restaurant stares at me with a cold look. Did I do something wrong? |
Aila |
Soda: Serve me a lot of soda. Why don't you have some too, (FC)? It's great. |
From the Sky: Franz was mad at me when I said to him, "I want to get on a mantor". I wanted to see the castle from the sky. |
Three Wives: A scroll maker said he has three wives. What does he mean? |
After the War: After the war, I guess the Karayans will go home to their villages. I wonder what I'll do... |
Want to See: I want to know countries beyond Grassland. With Geddoe and his friends, I reckon I'll be able to see a lot of countries I've never seen. |
Alanis |
How are you?: How are you, (FC)? I'm fine. This castle is fun |
Thank you: Dad's job has gotten underway. I hope it continues like that. |
Practice: Yesterday, Hallec taught me how to let out a rebel yell. When I'm good at it, I'll do it in front of everyone. |
Cecile: I became friends with the gatekeeper, Cecile. She's a strong and kind lady. |
Lately: I go on outings with Melville and Elliot. When we're strong enough to fight other monsters, we promised we'd go to the Great Hollow in Lizard Clan's land. |
Anne |
How are you?: I'm getting used to life at the castle. There are regular customers at the tavern, and everything is fine. |
Few brands: When I have more money, I'd like to increase the number of drink brands. |
Hi: There are many nice customers at this castle. It's great that it's fun working. |
Fine: There are many people coming to this castle. It's quite lively. The shop is busy. |
Karaya village: I worry about Karaya Village often. I wonder if people have come back.
Apple |
Nice to meet you: Caesar is still a child. He might be a nuisance, but please take care of him. If there's a problem please tell me. |
Lovely Music: I listened to Nei and her friends playing. What fun! (FC), please listen too. It'll soothe your tired mind. |
Surprised: I was surprised to find Jeane here. Her skill as a rune sage is first-rate. |
Power of the pen: You can't overcome this war just by getting stronger. Better go see Ernie sometime. |
A friend: I was surprised to meet Futch here. He will be a great help to you |
Arthur |
Did you see it?: I posted the news bulletin! We'll renew it regurarly, so remember to read it! |
Juan's Request: Juan said to increase gossip items. Yes, I know gossip is part of a newspaper but it's problematic... |
Articles: There is more news as people gather at this castle. I hope more people come. |
Serial novel: There are many inquiries and criticism about the author of the serial novel, but I'm just running stories that are sent to us. I don't know the author, sorry. |
History: My job will be something very important in my life. I hope I create a record of our times. |
Augustine |
Splendid History: Why don't you learn my artistic handicraft? The war would be more gallant. |
White roses: I bought beautiful roses from a traveler. Would you like one for your room? |
Afternoon tea?: Next time, would you share afternoon tea with me in the garden? |
Splendid skill: Kenji is quite skilled; I was impressed. I noticed such an artistic expression. I must pursue it, too. |
Refinement: Why don't we pursue refined skills? Even if we are enemies, there are skills that may carry us away with their beauty. Let's refine ourselves. |
Barts |
Hi: Hey, this field is getting nice, (FC). When you feel like it, come and see me. I'll cook something good to eat. |
Hi: Many people visit this castle. I never get tired. Tell them that if they want to eat delicious tomatoes, come and see me. |
Hi: I'm giving ingredients to the restaurant. That girl is a good cook. My tomatoes must be happy to be cooked so well. |
Hi: There is a girl who comes to my field with a doll. I gave her a tomato and she said, 'I'll treasure it all my life.' She should eat it quickly or it'll go bad. |
Hi: A white dog with a pink basket is following me. Does it want a tomato? |
Bazba |
Greetings: I'm Bazba, of the Lizard Clan. I'm an assistant of Chief Dupa. I'll show the power of our clan. |
Elevator: Members of the clan say the want an elevator. They want to see whether the clan can use it. |
Men and women: Some people asked me how to tell men from women among the Lizard Clan. Can't you tell by a glance? |
Going walking: I was going to take Koroku for a walk, but, seeing my face, he ran away. Rude dog. |
Acting talent: People at the theater said I have acting talent. There are humans who have an eye for this. |
Beechum |
Greetings: I'm Beecham, the assistant of the Karaya Clan Chief, Lucia. I'm old, but have seen service. (FC), I'll always standby. |
Feelings: If I give priority to individual feelings, I can't forgive the Zexen Knights. After the war, I'll fight against them. I have to. |
For recovery: The only home to the Karayans is the meadows of Grassland. The recovery of the clan is my strong wish. |
Prosperity: The castle is getting settled. The prosperity of the castle means the prosperity of Grassland. It's worth the work. |
To everybody: The people of Karaya do not fear war. Let's fight powerfully and bravely for all the people of Grassland. |
Belle |
Pay for repairs: Gadget Z was destroyed again, and I need money to repair it. Could you pay for me? I don't have money now. |
Request for food : At that restaurant they don't serve cutlet bowls. Could you ask them to serve more food?. |
I'd like to go...: to a party with Hugo. I don't like parties that Joker attends. His breath reeks of alcohol. |
I was with Mel...: in a bath, and she had a doll with her. Funny girl. |
That girl Aila...: was talking friendly with Hugo. Maybe it's just because they're from the same village. |
Billy |
Let me know : Give me some information about treasure! Lately, I only earn by gambling. |
Is all the..: treasure in this world already dug up? |
Ardent Zeal: I'm looking for a bloodcurdling adventure. If I keep waiting, I'll be too old. |
There are pretty...: girls at this castle. It's a good thing. It sure makes you feel young. |
Regards: Please take care of Melville. He's more like his mother. Take good care of him. |
Borus |
Greetings: I'm Borus of the Zexen Knights. I am serious. |
Dignity: You seem to mix with rough people. A leader needs dignity. Chris knows this. |
Skilled: I saw the guards. They're not legitimate, but quite good at actual fighting. If there's a chance, I'd like to have a match. |
Don't like it: I don't like Jacques. I respect his ability, but he ignores me. Isn't he one of your men? Remind him to be polite. |
A play: Did you see the play in which Chris acts? No wonder she's the leader of the knights. A great actress. You couldn't be like her. |
Bright |
Meals: I was told to tell you the food is quite goos here. But he wants more meat, Sincerely, Futch. |
Kids...: The kids at the castle show interest in Bright and touch him, but he doesn't like it. Isn't there anything we can do? Sincerely, Futch |
Baked potato: Lately, he has beenhelping Barts. He was glad, because he got baked potatoes when he burnt the grass after mowing. Sincerely, Futch |
Competition: Recently, he tried to see who could jump further with Fubar. He was happy he won. He said Fubar was fast. Yours, Futch |
Stealing scales: At night, Guillaume tried to steal Bright's scales, so he blew fire. I hope Guillaume wasn't burnt....Sincerely, Futch |
Caesar |
Hey...: Serious, huh? But how many people are going to write something useful? |
Foul-mouthed?: Apple scolds me a lot, but do I have such a nasty tongue? I'm just trying to be honest. |
I rather like this...: castle, but is it proper for a butler to run an inn? Or for a careless Kobold to be a warehouse keeper? |
A dog with a green...: basket was gatekeeper with Cecile. Is it right for the entrance of the castle to be like that? |
Cecile and five...: basket dogs were gatekeepers. Won't people laugh? |
Cecile |
Hi!!: It's a fine day today. It's great to work on a day like this!!! |
Hi!!: It rained the other day! I don't like being a gatekeeper in the rain, but I'll try hard for the castle! |
Hi!: It's been cloudy lately. I don't like cloudy days! |
Koroku: Koroku is with me when I'm a gatekeeper! He doesn't bark when people approach, so he's useless! |
With dogs: I'm a gatekeeper with Koroku, Koichi, Connie, Kosanji and Kogoro! They don't bark, though, so they're useless! |
Chris |
(FC): I'm sure you must have many worries, but please don't suffer alone. Remember that we are always with you. |
(FC): The scenery at the lake is so beautiful that it makes us forget there is a war going on. Why don't you take a walk when you're tired? |
Geddoe: Borus is interested in the skill of your mercenary force. He said he wanted training. Could you teach him? |
I reckon I'm just a...: ham, not an actor. Could you use somebody else in the play instead of me? |
I saw you stroking...: a kitten. Is that some kind of training? |
Connie |
From Connie: Nice weather. Yours, Cecile |
From Connie: I have to dress up. Sincerely, Cecile |
From Connie: Am I pretty? Yours, Cecile |
From Connie: Nash is great. Sincerely, Cecile |
From Connie: Barts is also great. Yours, Cecile
Dios |
Nice to meet you: I'm Dios. I work with Sasarai. I won't deceive you, so trust me. |
A little big: Does Fubar ever bite you? He's quite gentle, isn't he? I'd like to pet him, for the memory. |
Not my business?: We should relax. Maybe I should mind my own business, because I'm always relaxing! |
Long baths: Yesterday, when I was going to take a bath, Leo and Wan Fu were trying to see who could take a bath longer. I didn't want to get involved. |
Jefferson...: suddenly said, "big nose prize!" What does that mean? Big nose? |
Dominic |
Reporting: If you want me to speak up. I'll share my ideas. That's it. |
Business: When they aren't paying attention, I overcharge customers. That's how it's done. |
Defensive gear: Some of my defensive gear is artistic and some is practical. The choice is yours. |
Recently: This castle is getting noisy. It's great to have so many customers, but to tell the truth, I don't like children running around the shop. |
A lad tried to...: steal defensive gear, but fainted when I hit him with it. Defensive gear can be used as a weapon! |
Duke |
I'm involved...: in work that doesn't make much money. Make Geddoe work. |
Good training: At this castle, Gau and his friends are excited. They say they want to learn more skills. |
Though the guys...: on my team are foul-mouthed, we work great together. Geddoe's team is terrible. I guess it's because of their leader. |
As a mercenary: Studying is sometimes useful. Only to the extent that it is useful for fighting. |
My wish: Isn't it possible to add very hot curry to the restaurant menu? |
Dupa |
No title: Our Lizard Clan will fight for our homes, the weak and the young. Don't waste our strength. |
Joint Attacks: How are our cooperative attacks? Something, huh? Can you humans attack like us |
Fighting Skills: I asked Juan about tactics and found something interesting: I'm good at using armor. |
Baths are nice: That bath is good. You get warm up to the tip of your tail. Devil Beads are the best! |
Puzzling humans: Earlier, Jefferson gave me a post called "healing captain," but I don't know whether it's good or bad. |
Edge |
Letters?: Never sent this type. |
Castle: This castle is just how that one guy said it would be. |
Star Dragon Sword: Better not to say anything. |
Having a game: If you have time to teach me, I'd love to hone my skills. |
Jacques: That Jacques isn't sociable. |
Eike |
Dear (FC): I hope you are well. Thank you fo your consideration. I apologize for my presumption, but the reason why I am writing... |
Dear (FC): It's raining everyday, but I hope you are well. The other day I ran out of paper. I'm sure you were puzzled. I am terribly sorry... |
Dear (FC): I hope you are well this wonderful season. I ran out of paper again, and I couldn't write you. Now, about this castle... |
Dear (FC): I noticed that I always run out of paper. This time I won't, and I'm sure I can make a suggestion. Now, about the allocation of people... |
Dear (FC): I'll get to the point. There seems to be a problem about the allocation of personnel at this castle, but after writing so many times I forgot what I wanted to say. |
Elaine |
Limited Choice: It's a good place, but isn't it better to have a wider selection of cosmetics? |
A bother: Lately I get letters from many men... Couldn't you tell them that I wouldn't be satisfied with them. |
What is it?: I got a stranger letter. What does "death is your friend" mean? |
Serial Novel: The serial novel in the public news bulletin is fun. I'd like to tell the writer my impressions, but do you know who it is? |
Perfume: I'd like to buy Jeane's perfume. Do you know the brand? Could you order it for me? |
Elliot |
Hello: Hello, (FC). How are you? I'm fine. I'll write again. |
About me: People often call me a creep, but I don't agree. Am I really like that? |
About Melville: Melville has never called me a creep. He's a nice guy. |
Alanis: Alanis is here. The three of us can play together again. We owe it to you, (FC). |
My nose: Do you know that I have a good nose? I sound like I'm boasting, but I beat a dog in a game guessing smells. I'm a little proud. |
Emily |
What's up?: Hi, what's up? I'm fine, of course. When you have time, let's arm wrestle. See you. |
What's up?: Hi. What's up? I wrote again. I must be a good correspondent. Nothing in particular, though. Ha,ha,ha. |
What's up?: Lately I've been good friends with Cecile. We've been training together. (FC), why don't you practice with us? |
With Koroku: I've been jogging with Koroku early in the morning. He gets tired, so I carry him on my back. Good exercise. (FC), how about jogging together? |
There are many...: strong people at this castle, and it's really fun. Many people are stronger than me. Yeah, I'm glad I came! |
Ernie |
Thank You: Thomas gave me an empty room to use for research. I can do research I've never done. Thank you, (FC). |
At your service: I'm not a useful fighter, but if you are using magic, I'll support you. That's all I can do.. |
Talent: Mel's talent with lightning magic is great. If I had that much talent, I'd be useful... |
Master and pupil: Estella and Rody have great magic power. Estella can develop her skill with fire, and Rody his skill to cast a spell on his sword. |
Historical study: I'm doing historical research, and I keep seeing Jeane's name. It's a wonder... |
Estella |
Do you know?: To improve earth magic, the best way to trian is to be covered with sand up to your neck. |
Do you know?: Reed's hair was like that since he was born. |
Do you know?: Hallec is really Dupa. |
Do you know?: To improve fire magic, the best way is to be exposed to Bright's fire. |
Do you know?: To improve water magic, it's best to paddle 20 laps in the bathtub. |
Franz |
Ruby and Fubar: Ruby and Fubar were frightening each other expanding their wings, but are they enemies? They just look like they're playing. |
Juan: Juan was teaching Ruby martial arts.... He's something.... |
Baths: I learned the Harmonian custom of warming your body in a bath. It feels great. |
Ruby wanted to take...: a bath, too. I don't think so. |
About Le Buque: After this war I'd like to go back to Le Buque and begin again. I'd like to help construct a new Le Buque. |
Fred |
Sword: Your swordcraft is great. No wonder they say "live and learn." I'd like to have a game, but I'll wait until the war ends. |
Eternal life?: What is it like to live the eternal life that a true rune brings? You look sad, but maybe it's just my imagination. |
Fubar |
Brushing: It's great brushing after a bath. Letter writer: Sergeant Joe |
Threat: Ruby and I tried to make ourselves look big, but mantors are quite threatening. Letter writer: Sergeant Joe |
Request of menus: I'd like to eat curry with horse meat in it. Letter writer: Sergeant Joe |
From Fubar: Take care of Hugo. Letter writer: Sergeant Joe |
From Fubar: Sorry, but I can only take on Hugo. Letter writer: Sergeant Joe |
Futch |
Griffon: Fubar is a great Griffon. He seems to understand human language. Bright is just as good. |
Old friends: Thomas reminds me of an old friend. He'll be a good lord. |
Tricks: There are many expensive things. I hope Sharon doesn't do anything. |
Sharon: Is Sharon serious? She's still an apprentice, so don't spoil her, but hope you teach her many things. |
Children afraid: Did you know Bright is quite friendly? He might look scary, but he won't bite you. I hope the children will understand soon. |
Gadget Z |
Warning: Don't fall in love with me. |
Apology: About the letter I sent the other day--Bell played a trick on my mental circuit. Don't misunderstand. |
Gau |
A word: We'll be a great help. See you. |
Another message: Don't think that the Kobolds are all like the warehouse keeper. Of course, there are many people like that. |
About posts: What are "posts"? I'm not really complaining. |
Effort counts: Duke doesn't look like it, but he puts forth a lot of effort. I wonder whether there is anybody like him. |
There's a variety...: of food but I like hard stuff. Don't they serve spring rolls? Spring rolls. |
Geddoe |
No title: Take it easy. |
No title: Don't take it too seriously. |
Gordon |
Gentleman: You are a long way from being a gentleman. Try hard every day. |
Evening dress: Recently, I found a skilled tailor. Would you like an evening dress made? |
Consecration: There are many gentlemen at this castle. I would also like to devote myself to work. |
Encouragement: You seem quite busy. See me when you get the chance. I am clumsy, but I'll try to give you some of my energy as a gentleman. |
The plays at this...: castle are great. I like the cozy atmosphere. Let's go together sometime. |
Goro |
Question: How is my bath? Are you relaxing? Taking a nap? I really wonder what my reputation is like. |
Report: Wan Fu, Leo, and Hallec were taking a bath, but something happened. Tell them to relax in the bath. |
Another report: Roland said he would never take a bath with Kenji again. Did something happen? |
A report: Borus, Ace, and Nash were taking a bath. What were they talking about? |
What's going on?: Duke, Edge, and Thomas were taking a bath. They seemed to be quarreling. They should bathe quietly. |
Guillaume |
Greetings: Recently, this castle is getting more lively. It's because of (FC) ability. I'll support you secretly. |
Thank you letter: Many people are bringing their goods to the appraiser: business is thriving. I hope more people come to this castle. |
A request: I want to be the leading actor. A villain? Never! |
The quality of the...: goods that are brought to the appraiser is getting better every day. It's because people are getting richer. Ho ho ho. |
Frustrating: I won a special prize at the castle lottery. I was looking forward to it, but it was just a book. I don't go to the library. Never. |
Hallec |
No title: Where's the war? |
No title: Isn't the war going on? |
No title: If there's a war, call me. |
No title: If you'd like, I'll train you. |
No title: After training, food hits the spot. |
Hortez VII |
What's this?: If you put a letter in this box, will something happen? |
Nice place: It's a nice castle. It's a little old, but I like it. |
Look at my store: The scrolls I make would be a great help to you. |
Rich country: My country is very rich. Try and make your countries as rich as mine. |
No need to scold: A man named Guillaume tried to steal my ornaments. It's because he is poor. I gave him some gold. |
Hugo |
Hello: Many people gather at this castle, so I guess it's hard to get everybody.together. I'll do anything I can, just let me know. |
About Aila: Aila seems to like the mercenary life. I feel a little sorry for her, being a Karayan, but please take care of her. |
Well...: (FC), when did you grow taller? You weren't so tall when you were young, were you? Tell me. |
It's a secret: (FC), what did you eat at my age? I've been eating a lot, but I don't grow taller. Maybe it's not just a matter of food. |
It's a secret: (FC), didn't you once swing from a tree? They say you grew taller...but you didn't, did you? |
Iku |
Greeting: Franz will be a great help to you. I can't do anything, but by supporting him, I'm sure I'll help out. |
The war is raging.: It's a pity I can only watch, but I'm trying to find something I can do. I would like to fight with you. |
What I can do: I can take care of mantors, but I'm also good at cleaning, washing, and cooking. I hope I'm a help to the people at the castle. |
Helping: I'm helping people clean the castle. (FC), I'll help you do the cleaning. |
Learning to cook: Mamie 's food is delicious. I'm learning how to cook from her. Come and taste it. |
Jacques |
No title: A special box. It's something. |
No title: Good weather. I'd like to go hunting. |
No title: I went to the theater for the first time. It's fun. |
No title: It's nice taking a bath. |
No title: Food at this castle tastes good. |
Jeane |
About Runes: It's not proper to bear runes blindly. You can show you true ability when you bear a rune that suits you. |
Dogs: Did you know there is one rune that even a dog can bear? I don't recommend it, though.... |
His letter: I got a letter from Ace. Very interesting... Tell him I laughed heatily for a change. |
Met a friend: Futch is an old friend. He said I haven't changed. He always knows what to say. |
I also met Nash...: and he asked why I hadn't changed. He's rude to call you a monster. |
Jefferson |
Morning Training: There are many young people that fool around in this castle. They need morning training. |
Guts!: I made two or three young people braver! Be grateful! |
Posts: The posts I name are absolute! Never change them! |
Instruction!: Is there anybody who doesn't like their post? If there is, I'll train them. Don't worry! |
Morning training: Morning training povides strong bodies and spiritual strength! We're waiting for you to participate! |
Joker |
A desire: Is it okay to write what we want? I'd like to drink. All the drinks in the world...and cheaply! |
Desire 2: That bar doesn't have enough drinks available. I can't get drunk at a bar with that booze. |
Desire 3: Doesn't that bath allow women, too? I'm not being obscene, but isn't it better to have women there? |
Desire 4: That restaurant has too much fancy food. I'd prefer food that would make me full. |
About nicknames: Nash sometimes calls me Wang, but it's my old nickname. Hope you don't mind. |
Juan |
Let's sleep: Let's make it a rule at the castle to take a nap twice in the morning and in the afternoon. I'm serious. |
Heavy damage: Lilly's skill of inflicting heavy damage is something! Although her personality isn't that great. |
Wow: Ayame's repel skill is incredible. If we train her properly, she could avoid any attack. |
Thomas: Ask Thomas whether he's serious about improving his parrying skill. It would take time, but I'm sure he'd be very good. |
Fred: If Fred is trained to better use his shield, I'm sure he'd be great. |
Kathy |
Karayan horses: It's my first time seeing a Karayan horse. It's cute, with stripes. I'll take care of it, so please come to the ranch. |
White horse: The horses of Zexen Knights are beautiful. I'll make sure to take good care of them. |
To refresh: Come and ride horses. When you're tired of fighting, the ranch can be refreshing. |
Gorgeous!: Augustine came to the ranch. Splendid riding. The horse even looked gorgeous. |
Many carrots: Barts brought some carrots to the ranch! Could you thank him, (FC)? |
Kenji |
Excercise!: Today we'll start building up physical strenght! Wake up at 6:00am! Don't be late! |
Hips: Hey, your hips are stiff! You have to build up your physique to be a good swordsman! Let's do calisthenics! |
Warm up: To avoid heart attacks when you are attacked by Water Magic, you must always warm up before you leave! |
Stamina menu: To build your strength, I recommend you increase intake of food with milk, eggs and garlic at the restaurant! |
Weakling: Gambling and going to the theater are fun, but if you do it too much you'll become a weakling. |
Kidd |
What's up?: Hi! Are there any strange cases? When something happens, don't try to solve it yourself--call me. See you! |
Investigations: Don't hesitate to request investigations. It's a tough job finding out about people's privacy, but it's what a detective must do. |
Fees: Fees change, depending on the type of inquiry. It costs a lot of money to find the secrets people hide. Remember, I'm not fooling you! |
There are wars...: but not many cases. It's better not to have both, but I don't have a chance to do my work. |
Mask: People often ask me about the mask I wear when I investigate, but it's not their business! |
Kogoro |
From Kogoro: I don't like fights. Yours, Cecile |
From Kogoro: I don't like radishes. Sincerely, Cecile |
From Kogoro: I'm not a coward. Sincerely, Cecile |
From Kogoro: My voice isn't funny. Sincerely, Cecile |
From Kogoro: I like errands. Yours, Cecile |
Koichi |
From Koichi: Nice weather... Sincerely, Cecile |
From Koichi: Breakfast was delicious... Sincerely, Cecile |
From Koichi: I'm getting fat... Yours, Cecile |
From Koichi: Koroku looks depressed... Sincerely, Cecile |
From Koichi: Tomorrow will be nice, too... Yours, Cecile |
Koroku |
From Koroku: I'm hungry. Sincerely, Cecile |
From Koroku: I want to take a walk, Yours, Cecile |
From Koroku: I'd like to eat meat. Yours, Cecile |
From Koroku: I want to pee on Nash. Sincerely, Cecile |
From Koroku: Nash is avoiding me. Yours, Cecile |
Kosanji |
From Kosanji: I'm Kosanji. Sincerely, Cecile |
From Kosanji: Am I strong? Sincerely, Cecile |
From Kosanji: I can do it if I try. Sincerely, Cecile |
From Kosanji: Nobody will beat me. Yours, Cecile |
From Kosanji: I'll try harder. Sincerely, Cecile |
Landis |
Guessing: (FC's) favorite food is bananas. |
Guessing: (FC) dislikes burdock... |
Guessing: (FC)'s first love was at the age of ten. |
Guessing: (FC) actually wanted to be a vet. |
Guessing: (FC) talks with fish. |
Leo |
I'm no good: You'll find my writing difficult to read. Sorry. |
Defensive Gear: Dominic is a skilled worker. He adjusted my defensive gear, and it's back in good condition. It's nice to have such people around. |
Arm wrestling: A girl called Emily asked me to arm wrestle with her, but I refused. I don't like the idea of beating a little girl. |
Blacksmith: That blacksmith is very skilled. I'm surprised there is such a person in the Lizard Clan. But I wonder why he's always angry. |
I like it: Lately, I like taking baths. Let's have a "match" in the bath next time. |
Lilly |
Well...: Be grateful, as I asked Tinto to help you. You're not treating us so well. |
Listen: Reed and Samus are attendants, but they're not so considerate. Why are they so rough? I'm disppointed. |
You know: Regarding the allotment of rooms--isn't there a better room? Insects come into this one. |
I'll pay: Is it alright to renovate my room? I'll pay for it. It's small. Don't worry, Reed and Samus will do the work. See you. |
There's a...: brutal atmosphere these days, as the war continues. We should enjoy ourselves more. |
Little Viki |
Well: Well, it's kind of you to listen to the ideas of commoners. |
Treat Viki with...: gentle patience. She's not fooling around. She's very serious. |
I still don't know...: why they sent me here. While I'm here, I hope we can get along. |
I can't change...: things. Maybe I'll never be able to go home. If so, best regards. |
Sometimes they...: ask about the relationship between Viki and me, but it's best not to ask. |
Louis |
Nice to meet you.: If there's anything I can do, please tell me! |
Landis scares...: me... I can't sleep well at night... |
Detective: Kidd, you're great! I admire detectives almost as much as knights. |
Morning exercise: Kenji always teaches me how to exercise. It's tough, but if I continue, I may be a strong knight. |
Errands: I'm going on an errand to buy food for the animals. What does Fubar eat? |
Luce |
Flavor: This castle isn't bad, but I'm used to the flavor of Chisha and Karaya. |
I miss Grassland: It's true that I miss the Grasslands, but if I don't fight now, I'll lose everything. I'll do my best. |
Props: You know the stage? I prepared some of the props. They are quite impressive, so have a look at them. |
What to do now?: There are many people who have lost their children and parents. I'm thinking of what I can do for them. |
Wind's blessings: I'm praying that the war will be over soon. |
Lucia |
Greetings: I'm Lucia, the Karaya Chief. Best regards. |
Leader: You are the leader of this group. I think you know that you have heavy responsibilities. |
Grasslands: There are different people in the Grasslands Clans. Some are difficult. Get used to them. |
Mamie |
Please eat fast: Now, about my food: if you let it sit, it'll go bad. Please eat it quickly. |
Nice food (1): If you put mayonnaise on ice cream, it'll become "Fried Ice Cream". I don't know what happens to the person eating it, but why don't you try? |
Nice food (2): If you put red pepper on clams sauteed in butter, they'll become "Spicy Clam Soup". I wonder what the effect is like during war? Try it.
Nice food (3): If you put mayonnaise on pickles, you have "Super Pickles". Try it. |
Nice food (4): If you put mayonnaise on Tofu Hot Pot, you have "Dark Hot Pot". I'm afraid to eat it myself, but try it if you like. |
Martha |
Stingy: The special prizes at Vinay del Zexay are books and statues. Stingy. Can't they be more generous like we are? |
Good Customer: It would help if all the residents in the castle were like Ace. |
Happy?: Do you know the special prize at Iksay is "Fried Noodles"? Are you content with such a prize? |
Magic or luck?: Estella often wins the lottery. Is that magic? |
Losing often: If you lose often and regret it, why don't you ask Piccolo to tell your fortune. What else can you believe in. |
Mel |
Cecile: I'm fed up with Branky, as he is foul-mouthed. Recently, he picked on Cecile. She was about to stab him with a spear. |
Yumi: Branky picked on Yumi recently, but she smiled and forgave him. She's a nice person. |
Yuiri: Branky picked on Yuiri and was scolded until morning. I can't believe that Yumi and Yuiri are from the same clan. |
Queen: Branky was picking on Queen. There are people who don't forgive you even though you say sorry. |
Viki: Branky picked on that Viki kid. Afterwards, I was teleported. How annoying! |
Melville |
Well...: I'm worried that Dad is a trouble. Tell me if you can't put up with him. I'll try my best. |
It's fun: This castle is fun. Elliot and I are exploring it. It's fun because there are strange things. |
About Alanis: I'm glad Alanis comes to this castle, but don't tell her to do dangerous jobs. She might like it, but it's risky. |
I wrote before, but...: isn't Dad a nuisance? Lately, he's thinking of reckless adventures. I'm worried about him. |
To misunderstand: I may be misunderstood but I respect my Dad. He gets like that around other people, but he's always thinking about me. Please don't misunderstand him. |
Mike |
Hello: Hi. Nothing to say in particular. I just wanted to say hello. See you. |
Fresh morning: It was a refreshing morning. So I'll try my best to play cards. |
Card shark: Billy is quite a card shark. |
Ernie is young...: but studies very hard. We had an enjoyable talk recently. Very helpful. She... |
That ninja: Was it Watari? Did he say anything about me? It's okay if he didn't say anything. |
Mio |
Hello: It's a nice homeland. (FC) the patients would love it if you'd come to the clinic. |
Present: I'd like to give Tuta a present on his birthday, but I don't know what to give. What would you give, (FC)? |
It's great!: Franz brought Ruby to the clinic, and Tuta cured his cold! Well done! |
Afterwards: After the war, what will happen to the clinic? It's a little early to think about this, but I can't help it. |
Message: The old Zexen woman who comes here said, "I'll always back you up." Tuta and I will back you up, too. Cheer up! |
Mua |
Well...: Having a comment box is an interesting idea. I admire (FC) consideration. |
Our knights: Our knights' will is to be a "shield for the weak". The people of Zexen and Grassland will protect everyone. |
Hunting: Hallec said he wanted to go hunting with you. I've never gone myself, but it seems interesting. When you're going, please tell me. |
Elevators are a...: mystery. Even with 10 knights aboard, it takes us up to the top of the castle. Do you know how they work? |
Lottery: Lotteries are interesting, but I wish the odds of winning them were higher. |
Muto |
Comment Box: I'm not good at writing, but I'll try hard for the castle. |
Mice: There are a lot of mice in the warehouse. Can anybody help me dispose of them? |
Mice disposal: Fubar disposed of all of the mice in the warehouse. Thank you. |
Warehouse: Ace got drunk and slept in the warehouse. It's not a place to sleep. Please tell him. |
It'd be nice if...: there weren't so many difficult words in the news bulletin. |
Nadir |
Script: Did you get the script? Sorry, but sometimes they are in another town. I'll see you at the theater. |
Popular actors: There are poor actors who still attract an audience. At the castle, we've got Borus, Melville, Jeane and Mel. |
Unpopular actors: The theater must be liked by the people. The unpopular actors are Tuta, Hallec, and Landis. But if you cast well... |
Good actors: Everyone is acting very well. The especially good actors are Gordon, Queen, Ace and Nash. |
Profit: In the theater, casting is most important. A big hit isn't a dream if you understand the play and cast well. Let's do our best.
Nash |
Give me a break: Recently, Kenji made me exercise until midnight. I'm not young. Give me a break! |
Danger: The other night, I saw Watari and Ayame fighting. I thought if I got involved I'd be killed. It's dangerous to walk at night. |
Tell Koroku not...: to pee on my socks. |
Connie also tries to...: pee on my feet. Do my feet attract dogs? |
Ruby is becoming...: attached. He held me in his arms and flew off. Before I noticed, I was in his nest. I shudder at the memory... |
Nei |
Hello: I can send a letter to Chris from here. Nice try. |
About Toppo: (FC), you might be puzzled because Toppo is reticent, but he's not a bad child. |
About Shabon: Shabon's quite shy. (FC), if you'd pay attention to her, she'd be very happy. |
There seem to be...: many spectators here. I hope even more people come to this castle. |
After the war, I...: guess everybody will be separated. It'll be a little lonely. |
Nicolas |
Nice to meet you: I'm Nicolas, a member of Duke's unit. Nice to meet you. |
About members: Like Geddoe's unit, our members are hard to get along with. They might be difficult to handle, but are great fighters. Hope they are useful. |
Tavern: There are many mercenaries who drink a lot, so it must be tough being the tavern owner. The members of my unit need to learn how to behave. |
Brave men: There are many brave men at this castle. It's the best place to hone each other's skill. Good opportunity for me to learn more. |
Defensive force: You have to show your skill in fighting to make the frontier defensive force obey you. They obey strong men. Remember that. |
Peggi |
Shining weapons: Aren't there weapons that shine more? Weapons that shine when you hit them? |
New hammers!: To the east! a new hammer! In a town with many warriors! A guy there has a new hammer! |
A new hammer!: In a town on the water! A new hammer! A town that has many fish! A new hammer! |
Kobold: The Kobold warehouse keeper brought his son for me to hammer into shape! I only hammer weapons! |
The best hammer!: In a burnt town! The best hammer! In a town with a windmills! The best hammer! |
Percival |
Greetings: I'm Percival, of the Zexen Knights. Nice to meet you. |
It's alright: There seem to be many people at the castle. There are some who are confused, but it's alright with me. I don't get bored with them. |
What?: A Winghorde called Landis said, "Your hair style would suit the Grim Reaper". What does he mean? |
Riding horses: Let's see who can ride a horse faster. You should see me. |
Ranches: Ranches are good places for equitation. Let's see who's better. |
Piccolo |
Greetings: I'm interested in your palm. I'll read it for you. Negotiate the rate. |
Interested: I'm interested in reading the palms of your intimate friends. Negotiate the rate. |
A secret: Just between you and me: you can look forward to this week's lottery. Best to buy at this castle. |
A secret again: It might interest you to know that the odds of winning a lottery at Martha's place are better than in other cities. |
Last secret: The last three numbers of this season's winning lottery tickets are 222. I don't know the groups, but why don't you check them all. |
Queen |
Are you alright?: Interesting, huh? Not very useful, though. I just took it out. |
Stingy: Ace was complaining about drinking money. He's a man, so he shouldn't be so stingy. |
Sigh: The men at the mercenary force are disgusting. They just drink, sleep and make noise. But I suppose that also applies to me. |
Just try: It must be tough to be a leader. Actually, I don't know. But I'll help if you need a swordsman. |
How's it going?: It must be hard, always fighting. But try to relax. If you take it too seriously, you'll be worn out. |
Reed |
Asking a favor: When the young lady is selfish, don't hesitate to tell me. I'll try to do the best I can. |
Caring about you: You might be upset, because the young lady says things that a normal person doesn't say. Sorry. Really... |
The theater: The theater is a great place to relax after hard work. I like being in the audience, but acting? Of course not. |
Leaving soon: Don't they sell polish around here? |
Tinto food: Please add Tinto food to your menu. Could you ask Mamie to do so? |
Rhett |
Oh: Why am I here? (sob...) |
Mamie: Mamie recommends I take sand baths and cooks for me. Maybe she likes me...Ha ha ha! |
Hallec: Hallec stares at me. I wonder why Ducks are so strange? |
Fashion Goods: Do you know "Silver Beaks"? They are Ducks' fashion goods. I want one, too. |
I like ranches: Ranches are fun. I'd like to get on a horse. But Ducks are hard to deal with. A little frustrating. |
Rico |
Among knights: There are many knights at this castle, but I'm sure that Fred is the best. |
Well prepared: In my luggage I have two sleeping bags, clothes, dishes, stones for cleaning iron and lighting fire, repellents, and cooking ware. |
Grandpa's Power: Whenever Fred travels, there isn't enough money. But the other day, somebody at the castle said "I'd like to repay your grandpa". and gave us a lot of money! |
Sailor: The other day I helped unload at the trading post. I thought a sailor could carry more baggage. I was a little surprised. |
Fred's sword: Fred's swordcraft is better than that of any knight. I'm sure that it is a great power to subdue evil devils! Please be relieved, (FC)! |
Rody |
Greetings: Don't you think my master is great? She'll be a real help! Soon I'd like to be half as skilled. Difficult... |
Moonsault: My master said if I keep on doing Kenji's exercises, I'll be stronger. Won't you do it with me, (FC)? |
Lightning magic: My master said that I can improve Lightning Magic just by running around the field with my belly button out! Easy! Would you like to do it with me, (FC)? |
Wind Magic: Master taught me how to improve wind magic! You have to blow on a bowl of soup! The idea is to do it until the entire soup gets cold! |
Gaining strength: My master said if I kept on jumping forward in a squatting position for a week, I would gain strength! Let's do it together, (FC)! |
Roland |
As a knight: I forget I am an elf serving as a Zexen Knight. Best regards. |
War Situation: The war situation is getting worse, but remember there are the Knights of Zexen. Please use their strength as you wish. |
Effects of baths: If you put some powder in a bath, the water will change its color. And it smells nice. Interesting. |
Techniques: I don't know how it works. I'm impressed with the high techniques of human beings. |
Warrior: Juan sleeps all the time but he's a great warrior. I was impressed when he was teaching martial arts to Bright and Koroku. |
Salome |
About the castle: The situation of Budehuc Castle is one of disorder. To deploy troops properly, we need a little more time. |
About the castle: The situation at Budehuc Castle is one of disorder. To deploy troops properly, we need a little more time. |
Caesar: Caesar is a born strategist. Despite his usual manner, he has twice the power I do. He is a descendant of the Silverbergs. |
Suggestion: The dog called Koroku isn't a proper watchdog. A watchdog needs to bark. |
Right person: I know that the income of this theater is used for the castle. If you'd like, I'd act. But I'd rather not. |
Samus |
Greetings: I'm Lilly's attendant, Samus. I'm dark, but I'm not Karayan. I tell you this because people get mixed up. |
Hairstyle: It's a secret, but don't you think Reed 's hair style is funny, (FC)? |
Report: The young lady is becoming more gentle and conscious as a delegate of Tinto. Now, about the remittance... |
About the letter: I told you I was going to send it to Tinto, but I put it in the wrong place. I hope you don't mind. |
Reflex: I sometimes wonder about my own situation. But when the young lady asks me to do something, I can't say no.... Am I alright? |
Sanae Y |
Nice to meet you: For my country, and to cultivate myself, I will fight with you. Nice to meet you. |
Juan coached me.: It's still beyond my skill, but I'll try to be more useful to everyone. |
Friends: I became friends with Sharon and Emily. I'm taking baths with them. |
Father's letter: I sent my parents a letter, and Dad wrote to me about the Dunan war. I can only hope to lead a life as bold as my father. |
Plays: Watching and acting in plays are both fun. Nadir taught me that there were more possibilities. One shouldn't simply read, but become the character. |
Sasarai |
Saving crisis: We didn't expect to join forces, but every minute counts. We should avoid useless skirmishes. |
At this castle: This castle could not withstand a siege. It is conveniently located on the borders of Grassland and Zexen, but it needs too much repairing. |
About Dios: It seems hard to understand Dios's character, but it's just his personality. He's easy to understand once you get used to him. |
Tomatoes: When I passed by a field, Barts gave me tomatoes. It's nice for a change. |
At Highland: In Highland, there was a Ninja group called "Kage". The country perished and Kage must have disappeared, but the skills of Watari and Ayame are just like it. |
Scott |
Goods: Please buy pearls when the shop has them. They're expensive, but I'm sure you make a lot of money. |
Ancient texts: I recommend you buy Ancient texts when you find them at Le Buque. An Archive boom sometimes occurs. You'll find it beats making money by fighting. |
I don't teach the...: parrot, Waurenhyte, how to talk. It learns by itself. I'm often impressed. |
Gold rush: Sometimes there are rumors about gold mines. They may just be rumors, but if they're true, you'd make a lot of money. Why don't you believe them? |
Extravagant town: Vinay del Zexey is an extravagant town. If you buy goods cheaply in the country, and sell them there, you'll make a lot of money. |
Sebastian |
Worried: If the soldiers are too rude, please scold them. This castle is too old. If they act up, it might collapse. |
A question: How many times do the soldiers eat each day? I hope they don't eat five times. |
Do the soldiers...: drink a lot? Trade is not expansive at this castle, so there may not be enough for them. |
Dragon: Didn't a big dragon just arrive? Please tell it to be careful not to bump into the elevator and ceiling. |
If you see Koroku...: pee in the castle,please scold him. |
Sgt Joe |
What?: Hey, what's this? Who's going to read it? |
It's alright: We're going to listen to the ideas of people at the castle. Some are nonsense, but some might be useful. |
The taste: Zexen food has too much spice in it. I'd like to eat the homemade food of Chief Lucia. |
Good opportunity: You don't have to listen to the complaints of Rhett and Wilder. Train them strictly. |
Run ahead: There are times when we worry on the battlefield, but what's important is to join forces and face it. It's difficult to get together, but we have to. |
Shabon |
Hello: Hello,(FC). How are you? |
New Skill: I'm practicing a new skill. Can't wait to show you. |
Riding Balls: I was practicing balancing myself on a ball, but I fell off and it hurt quite a bit. |
Mumblety-peg: I'm practicing mumblety-peg with Toppo. When I'm good at it, I'll show it to you, (FC). |
Blowing fire: I'm practicing blowing fire with Toppo. When you're good, it's fun, because it's like being a monster. |
Sharon |
I'm trying: I wanted Juan to teach me martial arts, but he was sleeping. He belittles me because I'm a kid. Could you say something? |
World's best: Is it true that Estella is the world's best witch? Rody said so. I wonder who is better, Estella or the well-known Mazus? |
Ranch!: You can ride all kinds of animals at a ranch. I really like it. Let's go together next time. |
Milk baths!: Hey! I'd like to take a milk bath sometime. I've heard you put something in the bath. |
I got on an...: "elevator" for the first time. It's great! It'd be nice if they had them at Dragon Cave. |
Shiba |
Special Training: Want to be strong? Then come and get special training with us. |
A Wish: The door is not high enough. I've hit my nose a few times. Make it higher. |
That gatekeeper: Is that gatekeeper strong enough? Can she protect the castle? |
We need more...: Lizard Clan food. There aren't enough insect meals. |
Scales: Kids said they wanted scales. It's not the right time, but do you need some too? |
Shizu |
Make use of it: The elevator is very useful. Please use it. |
A favor: Could you do me a favor and give me a lot of water? There's a friend who does heavy work, and he gets thirsty. |
About meals: Could you increase the amount of meat in the food? A friend of mine does heavy work, and he wants to eat more meat. |
Don't act up: Recently, Bright acted up in the elevator and it got a little dangerous. But don't make a fuss. |
Weight limits?: Recently, Leo, Nicolas, Guillaume and Sebastian were going to the second floor, but they ended up in the basement because of an accident. Last time, right? |
Thomas |
Hello: Oh, a comment box. Interesting idea. Let's continue using it. |
About Eike: I was puzzled with Eike at first, but after we became friends, I saw that he is a good person. Don't be afraid of him. |
About Muto: He sometimes screws up, but he's trying very hard. |
What's up?: The castle is a little old, but favorably located. |
Budehuc Castle: This castle is getting busy. At first I was worried, but I hope more people come now. |
Toppo |
Greetings: You seem to always be busy. |
What do you think...: of our performances? |
I...: I don't like war. |
About Nei: Nei is kind. |
Please take care...: of Shabon. |
Tuta |
It reminds me: When I was an apprentice I worked at a castle like this. It reminds me of it. |
The nurse: Mio has gotten quite used to this castle. I'm glad. |
Guillaume: I examined Guillaume, and whenever I placed a stethoscope on his body, he screamed. Strange person. |
Mio and Ace... : are getting along very well. I think this is a good thing. |
Sad things: The injured are increasing. Wars are futile. When will fighting disappear from this earth? |
Twaikin |
Hi! Digging a hole: Isn't there a good place? |
You too!: Hi! Why don't you dig a hole, too! It's fun because you can go to new places! Ha, ha, ha! |
No work!: Hi! I'm trying to find work digging holes, but having no luck! |
Hi! I dug too much ...: and made a field sink in a bit! Ha,ha,ha! |
Old story!: Hi! 10 years ago I dug too much, and found myself in the country of Toran! I was in a garden of a gorgeous building covered with roses! |
Viki |
Hello: Hello Thomas. It's a nice castle. |
Sorry: Sorry, recently I sent a letter to the wrong person. (FC), it's all right this time. |
Hello: Hello, Joker. Let's teleport again. |
Sorry: Sorry, I think I sent a letter to the wrong person again. I wonder why. |
Hello: Hello, Nash. Sorry I got you involved when we were trying teleport. Did you get home safely? |
Wanfu |
Greetings: How are you (FC)? I'm in great condition! |
Fishing?: It's nice to go fishing all day at the lake. How about going together sometime? |
Fishing?: It's nice to go fishing all day at the lake. How about going together sometime? |
Recently, I talked...: with Sergeant Joe all night and was impressed. He is a complete man. A real man.. |
How are you...: (FC)? I'm in great condition. |
Wilder |
I'm here : Why am I here? (sob...) |
Special Training: A Sergeant gave me a list for special training. 200 squats in the morning... I'll lose my bottom feathers. |
Muscle pain: I have muscle pain from all this exercising. Couldn't you ask the Sergeant whether I can rest? |
Library books: Lately, I'm hooked on reading books. I wish there were more titles. |
Enjoyable castle: I didn't think I would enjoy watching plays and street performances. The Sergeant's training is tough, but I'm glad I'm here. |
Yuiri |
Ace: Ace got Yumi drunk and tried to make her talk about the Alma Kinan Clan. Ace has some nerve, doesn't he? |
Clothes: Estella's clothes are really something. Where are they sold? It's not that I want to wear them... |
Winghorde: It's my first time seeing the.Winghordes. It's a big world. |
Is he: Is Guillaume a human being? |
Strange feeling: Something isn't right about Mike. I don't think he intends any harm, but be careful. |
Yumi |
A worry...: I was living in the village of Alma Kinan for ages, so it's hard for me to get used to life with men at the castle. |
Must adapt: I often get tired of the noise in this castle. I must get used to it quickly. |
An account: Nash asked me to go out to dinner, but I refused. He seemed used to being turned down. |
Ace said he wanted...: to live in the village of Alma Kinan when he gets old, but I told him he wouldn't fit in. |
Joker: Joker said he wanted to live in the village of Alma Kinan when he was old, but I can't see him fitting in. |